We provide the MVC NJ State Written Exam in the privacy of our office.
We do not put a time limit on the student.
We are only licensed to give the MVC State Test to students who are 16 years old.
If you are 15, you can take it in High School, or wait until you are 16, and come here.
If you are 17 +, you will have to go to MVC in Tom’s River to take it.
No cell phones or study guides can be with the student when they are taking the test.
We will grade the test as soon as the student has completed it.
There are 50 questions. To pass, 40 must be correct.
We will allow the student time to go over our study guide and/or MVC Drivers Manual prior to
the test. If the student does not pass, they are eligible to retake the test in 7 days.
Taking the test for the second time is by appointment only.
Cost of service $35.00 per written test.
This is payable before the student takes the test. It is non-refundable.
Before gaining a GDL permit, every 16 year old must pass the written test and a vison test.
We give the vision test, free of charge, in our office.

Student Name(Required)
Parent / Guardian Name(Required)
Clear Signature